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Not all subscribers want to receive all notifications - can we customize?

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April 29, 2024


We have a few users that require us to send them notification on major incidents.  They do not want to be notified on any upcoming maintainance.

1. Can we select certain users to only receive major incidents, but not the partial incidents?

2. Can we allow subscribers to only subscribe to incidents but not to maintainance?

If not... any chance of a future feature request :) ?

Thank you

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 2, 2024

Hey There,
Thank you for reaching out with your request for enhanced notification customization on the Statuspage.

I want to update you on the steps we've taken so far:

Feature Request Submission: We have filed a feature request with our product team. This request outlines the need for users to selectively receive notifications depending on the type and severity of incidents. This would include the capability to differentiate between major incidents, minor incidents, and maintenance notifications. The internal ticket reference is STATUS-792

Please note that while this feature request is now part of our internal review process, it is not publicly accessible. However, we are committed to keeping you updated on any progress or decisions made in relation to this request.

Next Steps: Our product team will assess the feasibility of the suggested solutions and consider them in the context of our development roadmap. We aim to balance customer needs with strategic product development, and your input is invaluable in this process.

Thank you once again for your suggestion and for helping us improve Statuspage.  If you have any more questions or need further assistance in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Best Regards,

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