Is it possible to subscribe users WITHOUT notifying them?

Chris Milton
November 26, 2024

Hi team,

Is it possible to subscribe users to StatusPage notifications without them having to confirm their subscription? I need to set up a large number of users, and would like to do that in advance of them actually going live. However if I do that today, each user will receive an email which will not make sense to them (yet).

So is there a way to bypass this email and set them up 'silently'?



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Leonardo Barrios
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 27, 2024

Hey Chris,

There were some changes a while back to the "skip_confirmation_notification" flag when importing users:

However, we can make an exception for bulk uploads. This will be applied only during upload time. Please open a support ticket with us at, and we will add this exception.

Best regards,
Leonardo Barrios

Chris Milton
November 27, 2024

Thanks Leonardo, I have raised SPSP-39815

How would this exception work? Would it be a one-off?

I will need to subscribe a large number of users in bulk in the near future, but it would also be good to have the ability to add individual users without having to worry about them opting in.



Leonardo Barrios
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 27, 2024

Hey Chris,

We can have the exception working for a few days until you complete your bulk import.

Previously, subscribers could be added to Statuspage components without requiring the user to "confirm" their subscription. However, our engineering team no longer supports this functionality to prevent users from being spammed with emails from Atlassian that they did not choose to receive.


Chris Milton
November 27, 2024

Thanks Leo. I assume this exception could be repeated again for future bulk uploads?

Leonardo Barrios
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 27, 2024

Yes, you're right! 

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