Can I set the component ids?

Callum Cameron
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September 30, 2024

We have an automated deployment process that uses the manage API to create components via terraform. If there is a change of structure in our deployment, we may remove and re-add a component. This means that the ID changes which has down stream effects for anyone using the status page API to check statuses. Is it possible to set IDs? It doesn't look like it currently is but this would be useful functionality for us. 

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Jesse Klein
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 1, 2024

Hello there,

This is Jesse from the Statuspage support team. Thanks for the question about setting the component ID. We don't currently have this feature; the system generates component IDs. It. Does this happen frequently? If not, one suggestion would be to inform customers via maintenance that the IDs will change. That might give folks downstream of the changes that are happening.


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