Hi Startups Community!
We are excited to share the second episode of our Startup Stories with Atlassian series! The founder we are featuring in this Startup Story is Uday Charkavarthi, Co-founder and CTO of Clinch AGI, an AI platform for go-to-market teams. Read more to learn about how Clinch grew from $0 to revenue in 6 months, their journey to getting their first customers, and lessons about finding product market fit:
Watch the full interview:
Interested in learning more about Clinch? You can sign up here to learn how you can turn your Zoom meetings into customer stories with AI!
Uday shared in the interview that staying close to customer feedback and validation is key to moving towards product market fit. As a startup, what are some ways you get signals from customers about your product? We’d love to hear more about them, so please comment in the discussion below with your experience or any questions about the story and get a chance to earn a Startup Story kudos badge! ✨
Are you a founder in the Atlassian for Startups program interested in being featured in our Startup Stories with Atlassian series? If so, please reach out to us at startups@atlassian.com.
Annie Lu