Bitbucketで作成したリポジトリをプルした後、内容をコミットしプッシュしようとしたところこのようなエラーが出ました 以下がプッシュ時のエラー文です git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks push -v --tags origin master:master re...
ローカル上のeclipseで作成したプロジェクトをSourceTree全体で複数の人と共有したいのですが、やり方がわかりません。 ・ビットバスケットにてリポジトリは作成して、自分のgit clone URLは作成しています。 ・eclipseにて該当プロジェクトは作成済みです。 ・環境:mac チップ:Apple M2 バージョン:14.1.1
sourcetreeでクローンをしようとすると、以下のエラーが出ました。 下記を試しましたが、上手くいかないため、解決方法を教えていただけますと幸いです。 ・SourceTreeのアップデート ・SourceTreeをアンインストール&再インストール よろしくお願いいたします。
お世話になっております。 sourcetreeについて、質問です。 昨日、ワークスペースに追加したメンバーに、自身でsourcetreeの クローン作業をしてもらったのですが、添付画像のようなエラーが出ました。 対処方法を教えていただきたいです。
Is it possible to rename an old Tag in Sourcetree? I have a few in our repo that were misnamed and wondered if they could be corrected.
I'm trying to understand the logic behind the "View Remote" menu command. I have multiple GitHub and GitEnterprise remotes defined and just want to know which one it will pick and why. I ...
SourceTreeからurlクローン時に、有効なソースパス/urlではありません とエラーメッセージが表示されクローンできません。 下記一通り行いましたが上手く行きませんでした。 初心者で無知な所がありますが、ご教授お願い致します。 やったこと ビットバケットのアカウントの作り直し SourceTreeのアカウントの作り直し SourceTreeのバージョンアップ...
ソースurlを入力した際に有効なソースパス/urlではありませんと出てきてクローンできませんでした。下記メッセージになります。 remote: Invalid credentials fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://bitbucket.......。 また同じurlをChromeで検索をかけるとリポジトリが見つかりませんとメッセージが出て...
I've written a program and now my employer wants to connect it to their gitlab. I can't figure out how to add the program into sourcetree and then connect it to the gitlab. Also all of th...
Using source tree v3.4.11 on windows 10. I have a number of updated text files, about 150KB in size each, whenver I selected them in sourcetree to either stage/discard, the program hangs for ab...
I'm getting the following error when attempting to clone my remote repo. Thanks for any ideas on how to fix. Thanks Command: git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-...
I'm am absolutely stumped regarding what happened/is happening. I've migrated to a new computer since the last time I pushed changes to the BitBucket remote. So, I had to generate a new SSH ke...
For a long time now, when I've been using SourceTree for Windows (in Windows 10, v3.4.8, but I've now updated to 3.4.15), I've noticed that every few minutes it does a series of flickering modal wind...
Is it me and my particular setting in Sonoma, or Sourcetree for some unknown reason changed the folder color recently from blue to yellow? I only noticed this issue yesterday. Having the folder colo...
Hi, I am getting this below error and tried multiple solutions, but they didn't work for me. Can any one help me on this ? git -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.required=false -c diff.mnemonicpr...
Hi, I am getting this below error and tried multiple solutions, but they didn't work for me. Can any one help me on this ? git -c filter.lfs.smudge= -c filter.lfs.required=false -c diff.mnemonicpr...
Automatically adjusting tab width can only take effect when the tab name is in English. Please add this feature for Chinese. Thank you
Preciso a ultima versão do Sourcetree em MSI por favor
i`m looking for the last version in msi urgently please
Hello, I just downloaded SourceTreeSetup-3.4.15.exe and tried to install SourceTree, but it crashes without showing any error right after asking Proxy info and filling it after clicking a next ...
1. Enable "Perform submodule actions recursively" 2. git pull Function is missing. It should be ``` git pull --recurse-submodules ```
I am building games and using Sourcetree for my git backup system, but I have run into 10mb file size limit for commits, I found git file size limit is 2GB. However I can upload to Git with GitDeskt...
One time is an annoyance. Twice is a coincidence. 3 or more times is a pattern. We have several folks who cannot authenticate to using SourceTree to obtain a refresh token for git clon...
In version 3.4.15 I can make and apply stashes as usual, but I can't see the contents - I mean all the changes that have been made in the stash are not displayed. The right parts of the window are em...
In the SSH Key field of the SSH Client Configuration, I have inserted two keys separated by semicolons (like this: path/to/first/key; path/to/second/key;). All of my repos use either one ...
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