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10MB File size limit before needing Git LFS // Git Limit is 2GB

Bryan Blaze
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November 14, 2023

I am building games and using Sourcetree for my git backup system, but I have run into 10mb file size limit for commits, I found git file size limit is 2GB.

However I can upload to Git with GitDesktop or the Terminal without getting file size limit error.


I found in Sourcetree to change in DIFF the limit to 2048000KB but it is still not working...


A lot of game assets can be bigger than 10mb and packages that are around 1.5gb. I also have trouble with the post.buffer past 2GB, I think git disconnects after 2GB total upload which I understand, and will try to commit and push in smaller increments.

I do like to see the visual changes on branches in Sourcetree, but it is becoming unusable with the file size limit issue I keep running into. 

Any help on fixing the file size limit will be appreciated.

Sourcetree 10MB File size limit before needing Git LFS // Git Limit is 2GB


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