Probably a silly question, but can I change an existing COMMIT COMMENT without having to go through another commit process?
I'm in the process of moving from an old laptop (Windows 10 build 19045.3803) to a new one (Windows 11 build 22621.2861). I've installed git-for-windows then Sourcetree (3.4.16) on the new one....
I have a long list of branches and it's difficult to find a particular branch at my work as we have over 60 developers and over 100 branches to search through. Could you please consider addi...
Sourcetree regular seems to forget or lose access to my github personal access token, and I have to go in and re-enter it in order for to be able to execute some github action. Any ideas or suggesti...
Hi. I just updated to 3.4.16 on Windows and I noticed that I can't see the the stashed files on the UI anymore. I don't remember which was the previous version, but it has been at least 1 year since ...
I'm using a GitLab EE account in Sourcetree. When I want to clone a remote repository, no remote repository is initially shown. I get the list of all remote repositories available to me by untickicki...
While configuring a laptop (windows11) for a new colleague, I again am struggling setting up Sourcetree. Everything seems to work fine when I start sourcetree as administrator. When star...
On taking pull from develop to my feature branch if there are any conflicts, my branch detaches from sourcetree. There is no way to take latest develop branch code in my branch. Tried changing the public...
I'm having a problem when I try to connect my SourceTree to Bitbucket, for example running Fetch. I can't clone, fetch or push I think the problem has to do with proxy settings, but I can't find an...
Hi Community I've received a complaint from one of our users regarding sourcetree always failing to load, when I check her device it seems like every time she opens the software it immediatel...
This for CLOUD, NOT SERVER (despite the tag on this question) I've moved to a macbook M3 Pro. and installed the latest mac version of Sourcetree. But am unable to push from sourcetree to bitbucket. ...
I'm trying to fetch a Org repo, when I try to do a fetch with Sourcetree (github account) I see nothing, I've already checked the application on github settings but still nothing on repos. Also I've...
Now SourceTree (my version is supports option "Prune tracking branches no longer present on remote(s)", but not supports something like "Prune tracking tags no longer present on r...
Hi there Atlassians, I was thinking about integrating Sourcetree into my classes but in order to do so, it has to adhere to the european GDPR or rather the german version DSGVO. Is there a way to r...
how can we get back the ctrl-enter to commit? I just installed the latest version and it seems missing also not a fan of "revert", I think "discard" was more descriptive of the operation, you are di...
Bitbucketで作成したリポジトリをプルした後、内容をコミットしプッシュしようとしたところこのようなエラーが出ました 以下がプッシュ時のエラー文です git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks push -v --tags origin master:master re...
ローカル上のeclipseで作成したプロジェクトをSourceTree全体で複数の人と共有したいのですが、やり方がわかりません。 ・ビットバスケットにてリポジトリは作成して、自分のgit clone URLは作成しています。 ・eclipseにて該当プロジェクトは作成済みです。 ・環境:mac チップ:Apple M2 バージョン:14.1.1
sourcetreeでクローンをしようとすると、以下のエラーが出ました。 下記を試しましたが、上手くいかないため、解決方法を教えていただけますと幸いです。 ・SourceTreeのアップデート ・SourceTreeをアンインストール&再インストール よろしくお願いいたします。
お世話になっております。 sourcetreeについて、質問です。 昨日、ワークスペースに追加したメンバーに、自身でsourcetreeの クローン作業をしてもらったのですが、添付画像のようなエラーが出ました。 対処方法を教えていただきたいです。
Is it possible to rename an old Tag in Sourcetree? I have a few in our repo that were misnamed and wondered if they could be corrected.
I'm trying to understand the logic behind the "View Remote" menu command. I have multiple GitHub and GitEnterprise remotes defined and just want to know which one it will pick and why. I ...
SourceTreeからurlクローン時に、有効なソースパス/urlではありません とエラーメッセージが表示されクローンできません。 下記一通り行いましたが上手く行きませんでした。 初心者で無知な所がありますが、ご教授お願い致します。 やったこと ビットバケットのアカウントの作り直し SourceTreeのアカウントの作り直し SourceTreeのバージョンアップ...
ソースurlを入力した際に有効なソースパス/urlではありませんと出てきてクローンできませんでした。下記メッセージになります。 remote: Invalid credentials fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://bitbucket.......。 また同じurlをChromeで検索をかけるとリポジトリが見つかりませんとメッセージが出て...
I've written a program and now my employer wants to connect it to their gitlab. I can't figure out how to add the program into sourcetree and then connect it to the gitlab. Also all of th...
Subject | Author | Posted |
February 19, 2025 8:11 AM PST | ||
February 16, 2025 8:18 PM PST | ||
February 14, 2025 9:04 AM PST | ||
February 14, 2025 4:52 AM PST | ||
February 14, 2025 12:08 AM PST |