Sourcetree takes lot of memory.

Prakash Nadar December 8, 2011

I have been using sourcetree the entire day, opening and closeing many times between 4 projects. At the end of the day with all windows of sourctree closed, the memory usage is reported to be 350MB.

I think, 350meg is too much memory to consume during idle time. Not sure if this a know problem. I am using version

3 answers

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Pedro Olimpio
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August 3, 2017

I'm using latest version of the SourceTree and commiting many files the software expends many many RAM like 4.5 GB

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Jeremy Novak
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January 8, 2017

I am using version  I just noticed it was using > 2 gig before I shut it down.  The memory leak must still be an issue.

I have multiple windows users on the PC and I switch back and forth.  I don't know if that contributes to the issue or not.  I'll start paying attention to see if I can get more info.

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Rising Star
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December 11, 2011

SourceTree usually hovers around a maximum of 80MB for me, but it does depend on what you're viewing - large binary files for example can cause it to call QuickLook which takes extra memory, and also large diffs can add up.

However, it's important to note that the memory in Activity Monitor isn't necessarily the amount of memory being used. OS X doesn't bother freeing up inactive memory from apps until some other application needs it, which can result in it appearing that an app is using more memory than it actually is, particularly if that need was temporary. Perversely the more memory you have free on your machine, the worse it looks because there's less reason for OS X to clean up and recover inactive memory.

Prakash Nadar December 11, 2011

The memory consumption was bothering me when I noticed that only 25meg was left in free memory from my 8gig total Ram. Still SourceTree managed to hold that much memory on Activity Monitor perspective after closing all sourcetree windows.

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