How can i use either unlimited memory or at least 16 GB of memory on a particular step in pipeline. Could you please provide guidance on how I can achieve this ?
I have a file called helperfunction.groovy which have many functions. This file is used by many postaction scripts. In each of the scripts, I have imported the file and Used it like following : ...
...pis/index.js" ]. I have added the memory utilization command and I registered that before killing the process memory utilization was 18MB and around 12 MB on an average through out the build. Same d...
Hi Team, Today , I have upgraded my Java to jre1.8.0_341 , since then, JIRA is not starting up. So as per the logs, I had to set my "maximum memory allocation pool (-Xmx)" to 786m but s...
Hi all, I have a question regarding memory allocation for parallel steps. Our setup looks like this: definitions: steps: - step: &one name: "Step one" i...
Hello everyone, I would like to ask if there is any way to know the memory usage of plugin installed in our Jira. Thanks.
When I add size: 2x to step property, memory limits for services are not increased. The only memory affected is in the step. Is it a feature or bug?
Our pipeline consist of dozen steps and one step which builds next.js production docker image requires a lot of memory. So I added size: x2 to options section of bitbucket-pipelines.yml file a...
Hello everyone, My company is reporting me multiple buffer overflow on my machine (4000 per day) created bt this tool: c:\users\<username>\appdata\local\atlassian\sourcetree\git_local...
...bsp; The machine is x2 and I do have with increased memory settings: org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xms512m -Xmx5g -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1g -XX:+H...
Here is the error when trying to import a 10kb excel test case from 'tests' --> 'importer' path: 'Sorry ! System experienced higher than usual memory expected. Please retry after sometime.'
Hi, I am using JIRA Software instance of 10K users. Version 8.5.2 And system RAM is 64GB. I can allocate 50GB dedicated to JIRA alone. What is the ideal values for XMS and XMX values. Regards, S...
Hi, I'm currently using the free (max. 10 users) Jira software with the potential of scaling up to more users as my team grows. What I'm trying to understand, but cant seem to find an answer to, is...
Hi, I'm currently using the free (max. 10 users) Jira software with the potential of scaling up to more users as my team grows. What I'm trying to understand, but cant seem to find an answer to, is...
Hi, we have our instance of Confluence Server running with the Java Heap Memory settings set to -Xms 7g and -Xmx 7g. We have bumped it up a few times after getting out of memory errors. &n...
Now all of my pipelines using the highest memory. Some of them I did optimisation but just wonder how can I see how much less memory its using now. Is there any way we can see the docker C...
Problem : Tomcat periodically encounters Java heap space OOM error and the Confluence web page is down. Error Log : java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space java.lang.IllegalStat...
I would like to configure docker memory limit differently depending on the step I run. In fact I have a step that perform tests and use a lot of memory using docker-compose, but some other steps t...
This is in regards to Crowd version: 3.3.5 Last night Crowd went into a hung state due to the: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded exception What I noticed after...
...ira-applications-on-linux-938846841.html and tried to start up the service, however, I'm greeted with this: I already tried increasing the max. memory but that didn't quite work. Also I do not f...
I found that old generation is increasing continuously in my gc log . so I dumped it and found the problem. how can I solve it ? my jira's version is v7.10.2 &nb...
Hi, We have Confluence 6.9.1 Server installed on Linux. We have assigned 4GB JVM Heap out of available 16GB System Memory to the confluence. The confluence server is installed on A...
Just trying to delete some files via SourceTree... yikes.
We try starting with 8.3.0 JIRA Software and Jira Service Desk (both updated today), but incoming emails for Service Desk run into a java heap space error (see error log below). Jira-Service java memory...
Edit: After updating to 3.2, same issue is happening. Sourcetree has been consistently taking up ~110% of my computer's memory, and I have to keep killing it. Not sure what is causing it. It's a...
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