New Support / Identity Manager charges to include charges for hundreds of inactive users?

Hilary Boyce
Rising Star
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January 8, 2018

We have two hosted instances, both of which have beta Identity Management. We have recently received an email about the new Support proposals where support is combined with Identity Manager and can now see Identity Manager Administration and list of managed users.

This is a question about the pricing of the New Identity Manager/Priority Support proposals. We have automatically been given the beta for Identity Management, it doesn't seem like we had much choice in the matter. We have two organisations, one for our uk email domain and the other for our German one. Members of both use both instances and both are listed in the user management section.

Looking down the lists of managed users, which I understand is the basis of future charging I note two things:

Both instances can see both organisations, are we going to be charged for all users in both lists for both instances? Do Atlassian allocate one organisation to each instance for Support purposes, or will we find only one of our sites gets priority Support?

This lists contain all users with the relevant email address regardless of whether they are active users in our system - ie whether or not they count towards our license costs. Are we going to be charged for all these users, in our case about 200 out of the 420 listed are no longer active, former members of staff? So a cost of $600 per month for non-active users. There doesn't appear to have been any thought given to user status when extracting the list of users to be part of an organisation.

It appears they can be disabled in the Identity Management Admin managed users list, but there doesn't appear to be any bulk operations, or even the possibility of exporting a list of users so that we can work out which should be disabled.

As far as I can see Atlassian will shortly be charging us $3 per month for each of these unless we spend many hours going through them individually working out which need to be disabled and doing it one by one. That is going to be a considerable effort and cost for us and one that leaves us dismayed and angry. All this so that we can get the same level of support that we have previously enjoyed as a standard part of our license cost and can exercise some control over the security of our instances. Security that is a standard part of all the other tools that we use and not an expensive extra.

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Atlassian Team
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January 24, 2018

Hi Hilary,

I'm happy to hear the Customer Advocates were able to assist you and I want to summarize the main points here:

  • Pricing is different based on whether you decide to purchase monthly or annually.If you'd like to purchase monthly, it's $3/user per month for all of the users within your organization. A site administrator will claim users within your company domain (ie. and all of the users on Atlassian Cloud with that domain will become managed by the organization. You'll multiply the number of users within your organization by $3. Please note, there is no limit on the number of users within an organization for monthly subscriptions.
  • Please note that from within Site Administration, you'll be able to claim all of the users within a certain domain (ie. regardless of site or product. You'll then perform a domain verification to ensure that you are the rightful owner of the users within your organization. Once verified, the site administrator will be able to apply Identity Manager security policies across all of the users within that domain ( aka your organization.If a user is deactivated within all of the products and sites that are under the organizations, you will not be billed for this user. However, it is possible for a user to be deactivated on one particular site and active on another site within the same organization - in this case, since the user is active on one site, you will be billed for this user.
  • Identify users that aren't actively using your cloud product(s) and deactivate them so they no longer count towards your monthly bill. If you need help identifying users that aren't using your cloud product(s), navigate to Site Administration > Users and review the Last Active date to find users that haven't used the product in a while. It's always a good idea to check in with your users before taking action to deactivate users. This aplies in case you are on monthly subscription.
  • Identity Manger will be billed separately from cloud instances. When it comes to IdM, when domain(s) are claimed all the users in those domains will be seen in the Organization User Management screen - it s free to claim domain(s). When you enable any of the IdM security features (SAML, PwP, 2SV) for your Organization, that is when Identity Manager will become a paid service and all the user that have access will count toward that bill. So if you have 2 instances, and you have a user who has access to both instances, they will be counted as 1 unique IdM user. Since they claimed both the .uk and .de domains, they will be billed for those users.
  • The Priority Support for Atlassian Cloud is included in the Identity Manager for those domains for which you enable Identity Manager for. Once Enabled, the Identity Manager features will be available for the users within this claimed domain. For example, when user A (who is already within the Identity Manager claimed domain) files a request with Atlassian the Priority Support offering will apply.However, when the user B files the request and this user is not included in the Idm claimed domain, then regular support offering applies.For more details on how to claim/verify your domain, please see Domain verification.

I'm glad they were able to get it all sorted and I'm glad they were able to clear up the misunderstandings about this issue.



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