email integration alert after mulitple emails

Jay Strand
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July 11, 2024

I need to be able to create an alert after several emails have been sent to opsgenie.  I have 1 email address where 4 data queues are monitored,  In an event when a data queue gets to a certain size, an email will be sent to opsgenie containing the specific data queue "Data queue Data1 in system" where it can be Data1, 2, 3, or 4.  How do I use Opsgenie to add business intelligence to create an alert if 3 of the 4 data queues are generating an email?

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Tom Russell
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July 11, 2024

@Jay Strand there are two ways to do this, depending on how many and when the emails are generated.

Can you get by with just counting the number of emails received, without parsing the Data1, Data2, etc.? If so, you can just use a notification policy to suppress notifications until the counter reaches 3.

If you need to parse the DataX field and your Opsgenie license supports the OEC, I would use that. One strategy:

  • Use a notification policy to suppress any notifications for these alerts.
  • Call an OEC script with each alert. The script would:
    • Use the Opsgenie API to look for open alerts for DataX.
    • Use code logic to determine if the conditions for a notification are being met.
    • Create a new alert with the information and allow it to notify.

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