Set Alert Responder based on Jira Assignee

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July 8, 2020

I have a Jira Service Desk integration configured within my OpsGenie instance. When certain jira issues are created, these will create alerts in OpsGenie. In my integration settings, I assign alerts to specific teams based on the Component of the Jira issue.

However, I would like to somehow accomplish the following: If the originating Jira issue already has an Assignee, assign the alert to that person.

However, I'd like to do this without creating a bunch of individual rules (e.g. matching "Assignee" to a user's name). Is there a way to simply assign an alert to a placeholder value of whatever the issue's assignee is?

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Allen Barnard
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 13, 2020

For now, the functionality does not exist, this is due to the fact that not all of our Opsgenie customers have opted to migrate user management to Atlassian Access.  I have raised a feature request to have this functionality added the internal reference link for the request is (this link is not accessible to customers it's for our internal tracking only).

Currently, user mapping is a dangerous endeavor because if you have a Jira user that is not registered with the exact same email address in Opsgenie, the API calls will fail and will result in API calls not being processable. 

For now, I would suggest waiting for a few more months, once more of our customer base has migrated user management to Atlassian Access, mapping user objects between the 2 tools will be much easier.  You can attempt to script the workflow yourself using our alerts API, however, due to the risk I mentioned before, implementing such a workflow falls outside the scope of Opsgenie support, I cannot stress enough how much caution should be taken when considering, to implement user mapping between the tools.

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