Opsgenie ServiceNow Webhook integration

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July 29, 2024

When an alert is acknowledged in Opsgenie, I want the Opsgenie to trigger a custom endpoint URL in ServiceNow so that I can track who acknowledged the alert in opsgenie and when.

I tried to create a webhook integration by creating a scripted rest endpoint in ServiceNow and providing that URL in Opsgenie Webhook integration page.

But it is not working and opsgenie is not triggering that URL when an alert is acknowledged

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Tejaswi G
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 30, 2024

Hi @varadsurendrakulkarni

This is Tejaswi from the Opsgenie Team and happy to help. 

Please check if you have enabled the "Alert is acknowledged" action in the webhook integration and also if the alert meets the alert filter in webhook integration. 



Additional you can also use the ServiceNow integration itself to call custom restend point when a alert is acknowledge and you don't need to create a separate integration. Please refer to the screneshot below. You can also refer to our documentation more details on service Now custom end point call.



If you have any further queries or have any issue, Please feel free to log a ticket with us. 


Kind Regards,


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