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OpsGenie / Slack integration - bot messages cannot be added to incident timeline. Why?

Stuart Mingay November 18, 2022


We have Service Desk and OpsGenie. When we create an incident in OpsGenie we create a slack channel from the incident in order to allow us to easily "add to incident timeline", any comments or updates in slack.

Obviously the client facing service desk ticket gets connected to the slack channel created by OpsGenie, so any comments made or received on the Service Desk desk ticket get automatically posted to the slack channel.


No. Because, say the client updates the Service Desk ticket with "please close this", for example, that gets posted in slack. Good. Now you want to add this to the incident timeline in OpsGenie right? Well you can't because "Message cannot be added to the incident timeline. Bot messages are not allowed."

Why on earth can't any messages in slack be added to the timeline if I want to add them? Why is there this restriction? It has removed the major reason we moved to OpsGenie in the first place and we're seriously looking at moving back to our old process.



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Mona Singh
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 22, 2022

Hello Stuart,

This is Mona here, happy to help :)

I understand that you would like to add bot messages from the incident Slack channel to the Incident timeline.

Unfortunately, as of the current design, this is a limitation and we do not have the option to configure this setting. However, if the messages within the Slack incident channel are not bot messages then you can add them to the Incident timeline by Clicking on “Add to Incident Timeline Opsgenie”.

That being said, we understand your requirement and we have raised a Feature Request to our Product Team to allow adding bot messages to the Incident Timeline.

Here’s the ticket id for your reference:

Please add yourself as a watcher to this ticket to get the latest notifications regarding the feature.

Hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any follow-up questions and we'll be happy to assist :)


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