OpsGenie Rotation and Escalation Setup

Mikhail Brekhov November 8, 2024

Could you assist us with implementing a schedule rotation in OpsGenie?

We have a team of four people (A, B, C, D) in one timezone, with their on-call hours from 12:00 AM to 12:00 PM. There is one person (X) in a different timezone who is on-call from 12:00 PM to 12:00 AM.

We would like to apply the following escalation scheme:

  • If an alert is triggered between 12:00 AM and 12:00 PM:

    1. Send the alert to person A.
    2. If there is no response within 3 minutes, escalate to person B.
    3. If there is no response within 3 minutes, escalate to person C.
    4. If there is no response within 3 minutes, escalate to person D.
    5. If there is no response within 3 minutes, escalate to person X.
  • If an alert is triggered between 12:00 PM and 12:00 AM:

    1. Send the alert to person X.
    2. If there is no response within 3 minutes, escalate to person A.
    3. If there is no response within 3 minutes, escalate to person B.
    4. If there is no response within 3 minutes, escalate to person C.
    5. If there is no response within 3 minutes, escalate to person D.


Additionally, we would like to rotate the order of people A, B, C, and D each day. For example, on the first day, the order will be A, B, C, D; on the next day, it should shift to B, C, D, A; and so forth.

1 answer

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Tom Russell
Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 8, 2024

I think this will work:

2 Schedules

  • Schedule ABCD - Person A-D in daily rotation
  • Schedule X - Person X all the time

2 Escalation Policies


2 Routing Rules


Mikhail Brekhov November 8, 2024

Thank you! We will try, and I will let you know

Mikhail Brekhov November 16, 2024

@Tom Russell 

Sorry for the delayed response.


We were able to create the desired rotation, though with some slight modifications.

We attempted to use the schema you suggested, but it seems chaining multiple 'next user in rotation' is not possible  (see https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/OPSGENIE-1122 and https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Opsgenie-questions/Can-escalation-rule-to-notify-next-user-in-rotation-for-on-call/qaq-p/1759675 issues)


In our scenario, the alert was initially sent to user A (as the 'on-call user in schedule'), then to user B (as the 'next user'), then again to user B, and then again to B.

It never reached C D X users.


Here’s what we did

We created 3 schedules

  • Schedule ABCD - Person A-D in daily rotation
  • Schedule CDAB - Person C-B in daily rotation
  • Schedule X - Person X all the time


2 routing rules(as you showed us)


And created the following escalation policies


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Tom Russell
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 18, 2024

Glad you got it working! Interesting about the 'next user' limitations; thanks for the links. That's something I'll have to keep in mind.

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