Have Jira Service Desk created from Opsgenie alert, assign ticket to team

Dietrich Lehr
February 25, 2020

I have the Opsgenie to Jira Service Desk integration configured and working to where when an alert is created in Opsgenie, it will create a ticket in JSD.


The last piece of this I need to work is to have that ticket created in JSD automatically get assigned to my team. Is there a way to do this? I've tried the extra properties, but haven't had any luck. 

3 answers

1 vote
Paul Krueger
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
February 28, 2020

Perhaps you want an automation rule that fires when an issue is created with the label FromOG (or whatever label you have Opsgenie applying to your Jira Issues) that assigns the issue to your team?

Dietrich Lehr
February 29, 2020

That could work except the fromOG is some sort of default and not set by me. Not sure how to set that and wouldn’t want other teams integration assigned to my team because of this label 

Paul Krueger
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
February 29, 2020

How do you differentiate your alerts from theirs?

Dietrich Lehr
February 29, 2020

That’s what I need to figure out how to do in the JSD side. In OG, the API integration I use is assigned to my team already, plus I put my team as the responder. I can also add tags but I’m not a JSD admin. I don’t have the insight there to see what I can trigger on to assign to my team. Also, OG seems fairly limited in what it can pass to JSD via the integration.


 The goal is a single spot for all alerts. If they’re not time sensitive, just open a JSD ticket and close the alert in OG without telling us. We’ll see the ticket (is assigned to us)


 If the alert is time sensitive, then OG can kick off alerts,txt, etc. 

Kay March 1, 2024

@Paul Krueger How can I set up this automation, will the label from Opsgenie be the name of the integration?

0 votes
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 26, 2020

Hi @Dietrich Lehr - so you're trying to create a ticket in JSD, and have that create an alert in Opsgenie for a certain team?


If so, there are a couple of ways to do it. If you want all the issues from JSD to go to the same team in Opsgenie, the easiest way is to just assign the Jira ServiceDesk integration to the desired team in Opsgenie. That will make it so all alerts that are created through that JSD integration will go to that team in Opsgenie.

Feel free to reach out to our support team through the in-app chat, or filing a ticket at https://getsupport.atlassian.com/ And we'd be happy to work with you on getting that setup.




Dietrich Lehr
February 26, 2020

We want it to flow from OG to JSD, not the other way around. I need JSD to assign the ticket to the correct team.

0 votes
Kate Clavet
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 26, 2020

Hi there @Dietrich Lehr ! Thanks for your question. Just to clarify, you would like every ticket created as a result of an Opsgenie alert assigned to a specific team in JSD, is that right? 


Dietrich Lehr
February 26, 2020
 "customfield_10107": \{\
"id": "10470",\
"self": "https://myjira.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/customFieldOption/10470",\
"value": "My Team Name"\


Correct. We're setting "P5" priority for all automated alerts sent to ops genie that we want to result in a jira service desk ticket, which gets auto assigned to our team. 

I have no insight to the JSD so I have no idea what attributes/parameters/fields to populate and then how to get JSD to reference those and assign to a team.

Doing some API calls I managed to find a field that is used in JSD to assign to my team. I just have no idea how to pass this from Opsgenie to JSD. Or if there is another way?

Kay March 1, 2024

Hi there @Kate Clavet I want issues created in Jira service management when there is an Opsgenie alert. I have perform the integration but when I tested it, there was no issue created

Kate Clavet
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 5, 2024

Hi @Kay when you set the parameters in the integration did you confirm that the parameters to create an issue were met? 

Also did you confirm that the integration is turned on? (these may seem obvious but are things that are often missed). 

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