Delay integration trigger

Duy Le June 20, 2024

Is there any way to delay the integration trigger in Opsgenie?

We use Zendesk integration to create a Zendesk ticket whenever an Opsgenie Alert is created. The problem is most of the alerts would be auto-closed after a while, and we don't want ZD tickets for those alerts. Is there any way to delay this integration trigger, so that if the alert is auto-closed in the delay duration we don't create a ZD ticket for it?

1 answer

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Tejaswi G
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 24, 2024

Hi Duy Le,


This is Tejaswi from the Opsgenie Team, and I am happy to help.


We don't have a direct delay Option in Opsgenie to delay the triggering of the integration. The integration will be triggered as soon as the alert is assigned to a team.


However, you can create a separate Team, "Team ZD," which will have only the Zendesk integration in it, and add this team as a responder in the escalation rule after your required delay in the Original Team's escalation, where the alert is created to induce the delay for ZD ticket creation. 


Kind Regards,


Duy Le June 24, 2024

That's brilliant. Thank you for your support, I'll test it and get back 

Duy Le June 25, 2024

Screenshot 2024-06-25 165146.png

I've tried as you recommended, the delay is working, but the Zendesk integration wasn't triggered after the delay.

According to this article, the integration trigger should be working. Don't really know where I'm wrong though

Tejaswi G
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 25, 2024

Hi Duy Le,

Thank you for the update. Can you please log a ticket with us at we would like to review your current team setup. 


Kind Regards,

Duy Le June 25, 2024

Sure, thank you Tejaswi

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