How to suppress Alert Creation and/or Alert Notifications in Opsgenie


If you have a use case where you want Alerts to be created or Alert Notifications to be suppressed (or both) during business hours, how would you go about doing this? Is it possible to suppress Alerts so that they are only created or notifications delivered outside of business hours?


Yes, this is absolutely possible using a Maintenance policy and a Notification Policy. As a Maintenance Policy allows you to enable or disable multiple policies/integrations within a single entry during a specified maintenance window this would allow you to restrict Opsgenie Notifications and Alert Creation during a given timeframe.

If you would like the Alerts Created in your Opsgenie account, but notifications delayed/suppressed - you'll want this Maintenance window to enable a Notification Policy. If you would like the alerts to NOT be created you will want to disable an integration. Also, since the integration is disabled no one will be notified about Alerts, as Alerts can't be created.

Both the Notification and Maintenance policies will need to be set on the team level under the Policies tab. If you were to lean towards enabling/disabling a Notification policy, you will first want to create this.

Within the filters of the Notification policy - you can select ALL alerts to be delayed/suppressed, or get more granular with the conditions only looking for those alerts:

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You can restrict the Notification Policy to suppress notifications within a time interval as well. This will allow you to suppress Notifications only outside of Business Hours.

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Once this Notification policy is configured, you will now be able to search for and enable it during the Maintenance window. Within a Maintenance policy, specify the timeframe and the Notification policy:Screen Shot 2019-07-02 at 5.11.56 PM_2023-06-13T14_35_23.505Z.png


If you were to lean the other route of either enabling/disabling an integration and avoid any alert creation during this window - you'd simply want to adjust the filter of the Maintenance policy:

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You can also select the + Add rule button in the Maintenance policy to enable or disable multiple policies/integrations.


You can also restrict the Maintenance Policy to stop Alert Creation within a time interval as well. This will allow you to run the Maintenance window only during Business Hours and only create alerts outside of Business hours.

Screenshot 2023-06-14 at 8.17.06 AM.png

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