What's coming soon for next-gen projects in Jira Software Cloud


Eléonore Ronneau
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January 24, 2019


I just made a quick evaluation for my team. Here are my two cents of what could be really helpful:

- Being able to group different members of the team in a sub-group (I have multiple engineers, artists and designers working in the same team)

- For each sub-group, indicate the reviewer and putting a rule "Assign to reviewer" once the team put it in a specific column

- Assign a colour to each sub-group that would appear on the card (for quick view)

- Being able to choose what field of the issue appears on the card (for example, Priority on the card would be great!) 

Thank you

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Jeroen van der Holst
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January 25, 2019

I could really do with some filter options on Roadmaps. Our roadmap is huge as we have so much to do and I would like to narrow views down by filtering the roadmap on assignee or label.


By filtering labels I can display roadmaps per categories such as types of project.

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Kristy Buchanan February 1, 2019

I use next-gen for my marketing team projects. We have a lot of deadlines. We also have a lot of projects. For those reasons, these are my requests:

- Ability to sort backlog by Due Date (so we know what's coming up and what to pull first)

- Ability to see due date on cards

- Ability to 'archive' epics
Once all tasks for that epic (project) are complete I don't want to see that epic every time I look at the roadmap. And it's inefficient to have to filter the roadmap to hide them every time.

- Sort epics by date
Would be awesome to be able to sort by start or end date for the epic. Right now I do it manually.

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Guy Pilkington
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February 3, 2019

Hi @Rayen Magpantay

Is there any update on when we can expect the next release? Looks like there hasn't been one (for Next Gen) since Oct last year.  Sub-tasks have been "coming soon" since then.  Do you have any update on when we could expect the next release?



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James Graham February 4, 2019

Is there a way to get Next-Gen issues showing an a current board which includes those projects/issues?


The JQL is showing them correctly in the filter view but they don't appear on our Kanban board.

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MusicVineAdmin February 4, 2019

Is it possible to add more boards to a next gen project?


I also have to say that as a new user, it would have been way better if the site had recommended the classic projects when I set things up - at least until you get the documentation and community resources in place to assist people with next gen.

Rudi Louw February 6, 2019

Hi @Eoin Ryan

this next-gen projects are just the right direction jira has to move in in my opinion. Biggest hassle for us has always been roadmapping and actual jira work taking place.

Few additional requests please.

1) Epic Progress indicators - on the roadmap according to points burned or number of stories completed (would like to pick this per epic, i.e. we don't way bugs logged) would be great for constant feedback to the stakeholders

2) Time logging - on certain projects, like overheads etc. which do not get weighed, but we track time against in the older projects, we just Add Work (2h or 1d etc.). This field would be nice on these new-gen projects.

3) Kanban Burnup chart - currently we export the backlogs of our projects into excel, where we automate a backlog burnup against your current velocity, giving a nice pessimistic and optimistic completion view down the backlog. A report for this would be great, using the best and worst velocities over the last X number sprints as your pessimistic and optimistic velocities (or manually entered for a team).

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James Graham February 7, 2019

One thing we have bumped into is the Sprint Boards show all columns- we don't want to see Backlog in there during an active sprint - when can we choose the columns?

Kluzir Akhtar
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February 9, 2019

Eoin Ryan  & @ ATLASSIAN TEAM Oct 25, 2018 : ???  What other benefits are there using "Colour Cards" ...This is probably the best hack to work around 4 multiple teams temporarily by colour's as team name's  by applying a simple filter to show the colour card only for each team eg. Team Blue, Team Green etc... this will help the single backlog with Multiple Teams before you add the more advanced features as a temporary workaround to visualise by team colours. Many Thanks.


Kulzir Akhtar 

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Jeroen Marechal February 26, 2019

Will we have the possibility to create custom project templates based on the scrum or kanban templates? 


Will there also be a possibility to start multiple sprints within the same project? 

Mike Greenspan February 26, 2019

It seems like the Jira team has gone silent. Where can we see what is coming up soon?

Lisa Peavy February 28, 2019

Hi @Rayen Magpantay - is there a way to add components to the Next-Gen projects?

Jack Hunter [HeroCoders]
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March 1, 2019

@Mike Greenspan, the Next-Gen roadmap is available here: https://www.atlassian.com/roadmap/jira-software 

For those interested in time tracking, it is not on the roadmap linked above but there is an issue to vote and watch: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSWCLOUD-17447

Also, some third-party apps provide time tracking to Next-Gen projects.

Clockwork Automated Timesheets enables Log Time, Edit/Delete worklog entry (respecting permissions) along with some other time tracking facilities (also in Next-Gen). It is a free app. 

Atlassian Team
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March 3, 2019

@Rudi Louw thanks for the feedback. For the kanban burnup chart idea - something of interest is we are making a Google Sheets add-on available for Jira. See https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Agile-articles/Try-the-new-Jira-Cloud-add-on-for-Google-Sheets/ba-p/1016436

I would be keen to know if this makes the process of reporting through Google Sheets easier than what you have to do today with Excel.

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Atlassian Team
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March 3, 2019

James Graham have you tried mapping the statuses from the next-gen project to the relevant columns in board settings of the new board?

We'll be iterating on workflows for next-gen once we get subtasks out of the way. No hard date yet on when this would be available.


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Atlassian Team
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March 3, 2019

@Jeroen Marechal  templating and parallel sprints will be built in the future, although these are unlikely to be complete in the short term. If these are blockers for you, we advise using the classic projects for now. Thanks!

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Jack Hunter [HeroCoders]
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March 6, 2019

I can see there are questions about sub-tasks and checklist. 

The sub-tasks feature is on the current/official roadmap at https://www.atlassian.com/roadmap/jira-software

However, it has been there for at least two months, and I couldn' find any ETA when it will become available in Next-Gen. 

When it comes to the checklist, there are only a few random mentions from Atlassian but no solid promise. 

Fortunately, third-party apps work in Next-Gen, and there is a free Issue Checklist app available, provided by my team. I hope that some of you might find it useful. 


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Peter Nguyen March 6, 2019

@Jack Hunter [HeroCoders] Nicely done!  I installed it and it works well.  On another thread, there were mentions that sub-tasks will be released "in a few weeks".

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David Jeames March 26, 2019

Hi awesome Atlassian Team,

Will you be able to give an update on when sub-task might be available in next-gen project? Our current workaround (i.e. creating an issue type called Task and relating each Task to their parent Story) means we are creating a lot of noise in our backlog and in our board. This creates challenges when managing the backlog as well increasing its visibility.

Thanks in advance.

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Tushar.Kamble April 2, 2019

Hi Atlassian Team,


How can I configure "Story Point" instead of "Story Point Estimate"? I am unable to configure the Story Point within the Next Gen project.

We requires the "Story Point" field instead of "Story Point Estimate" to get the "Burndown" chart in normal Scrum board.




David Jeames April 10, 2019

Hi Atlassian Team,

Any news on my previous comment regarding sub-tasks?

The size of our backlogs is becoming huge. For each Story, we have in average 8-9 Tasks related to this Story. As a result, the size of our backlogs is 10 times bigger than it should be. This makes it hard for everyone to understand what needs to be done, what is the current situation or what is the big picture.

Moreover, frequent re-prioritization is a pain as you have to move 10 times more tickets in your backlog than you should do. It's even more complex when Task have the same title (such as tasks we have that are related to our Definition of Done).

All of this results in a lot of wasting time for our Product Managers and our Scrum Teams, as well as a lack of trust from the Product Board.

I assume the sub-tasks Deliverable is going to have an impact on tickets (to embed sub-tasks in each ticket) as well as the board (to show all sub-tasks of a story that is in the active Sprint). While have the complete Deliverable is definitely what we would like to get, having only the first part earlier would be a big win for us.

I hope this comment will help you with your prioritization and your delivery strategy.

Thanks for your attention.

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Tom Leser April 29, 2019

@David Jeames , I don't know if this would work for you or not but I also couldn't wait for them to implement this and many of our projects are based on next-gen, so I created a custom "Sub-task" issue type and have them linked via "Created By" relationship to a Task or a User Story.  

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David Jeames April 29, 2019

Thanks @Tom Leser for sharing your workaround with me. Can you give me more details on how this works, how this has helped you and how it looks like? If it could solve my issue, I'm all for giving it a try!

Tom Leser April 29, 2019

@David Jeames , it's working to allow the owners (assignees) of the parent item to be able to break down the larger work package if they feel it's necessary or to assign the sub-task over to another project but still trace it.  It's also helping our burn-up and avoid the problem of a big spike in the green at the end, or an item not getting completed in a sprint and therefore showing poor progress.  

I'm trying to utilizing the Portfolio add-on as part of a larger project planning effort utilizing JIRA and this would help to show our resource capacity and loading too.

It doesn't track well as a true sub-task on the board though and it can inject some scope-creep which I think true-subtasks do not impact if I recall correctly.  The workaround to that I guess is to not include these custom "sub-tasks" in the sprint, but then there's no view of them on the sprint board at all.  

Hopefully this helps clarifies the usage and some benefit until Atlassian releases the official sub-tasks.  

David Jeames April 29, 2019

Thanks @Tom Leser. I'll put this on my ToDo list ;).


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