Nice to meet you!
I wanted to make sure that you know that in addition to our free Jira Service Management Fundamentals learning path, we recently launched a new Associate Certification called ITSM with Jira Service Management Foundations.
You can prepare for the exam by following the free on-demand cert prep path linked on that page 👆
If you have any questions, please let me know!
Yes, Michael, the free on-demand prep path is the only recommended training. If you want to go above & beyond, you could brush up on the foundational courses in our ITSM learning path.
I agree that the "on-demand prep path is the only recommended training" - in hindsight and after re-studying the material relative to some of the "hard" questions I experienced, it is clear that the content of material DOES COVER the test material.
@Marshall Walker Lee Thank you for sharing this important Associate certification information about JSM
Congratulations @Michael DiRenzo !!!
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Adopt ITSM practices to deliver exceptional service
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