Good morning community ☀️,
It's Monday again and with it Jexo's weekly Atlassian news roundup. Last week was really busy and full of news and announcements. I can't believe so much had happened in only one week!
A few long-awaited improvements were released including support for 20k users in Jira and Confluence Cloud, Data residency in the US and Germany, Original time estimate field in team-managed projects, and more!
There is also a new community initiative running called "Jira July", check out the post so you don't miss the opportunity to win a super rare badge 🤓.
And last but not least Appfire announced the acquisition of SoftwarePlant, makers of BigPicture 💥.
There was much more we discussed. Have a look at a short 15 minutes video roundup 👀 or if you prefer reading, here is a blog.
Nikki Zavadska _Appfire_
Lead Product Manager
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