what is the customers choice when it comes to Onpremise or Cloud ?

pooja gurjar May 6, 2015


We are developing a plug in connector using JIRA and one of our client tools. During investigation, we came to know JIRA supports Cloud and On premise setup as well.

Please help provide answers to the following questions

  1. What is preferred customer choice -  On premise or Cloud ?
  2. Which is the mostly used JIRA on premise version in the market.

These will help us decide the scope. 

Thanks in advance,

Pooja Gurjar. 

2 answers

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pooja gurjar May 7, 2015

Thanks for this elaborate reply. Appreciate it.

if I can ask, we encountered session authentication as one of the authentication modes along with Basic and OAuth. Is that really used in the market by the customers since we could find documentation only for OAuth and Basic and not much for session.

If that is the case, then the authentication mode supported will include session as well. Please comment.

-Pooja Gurjar

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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May 7, 2015

I'm not sure about session authentication, I've only used internal, google, crowd, ldap and certificates, so I'm not qualified to answer. I would ask this question again, separately, it's a good question that deserves an answer, and it should go to a wider audience (only people following your original question will have been emailed your new question)

pooja gurjar May 8, 2015

Ok Alright. Thanks. I will definitely raise this as a separate question on the forum.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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May 6, 2015

It's hard to answer those, as the information simply isn't gathered (let alone made public)

  1.  Cloud is growing rapidly, but mostly for smaller user bases.  That's because a Cloud user doesn't have to think about maintenance or upgrades, so it's ideal for smaller user sites - they pay the monthly fee and have the systems they want.  But there are a lot of on-premise installations, because a lot of places can't put data on Cloud for legal reasons, or they have complex needs that can't be met because of the restrictions placed on Cloud.  If you look around here, or ask a partner, about "migration" between Server and Cloud, you'll find 90% of the requests are to move off Cloud on to Server, because Cloud can't do what people realise they need after using it for a while.
  2. 6.  Most people use the later versions where possible, and keep up-to-date.  There are a huge number of stragglers on 3, 4, and 5, but I suspect it's safe to say "target version 6" for any new addon writing.  Which version of 6 though - there's no way to know.  I would write for 6.3 at this point, but probably 6.4 by mid-summer.

There is one other thing to consider; the type of thing you want to write.

  • Server does not (yet) support "Connect" addons.
  • Cloud does not allow you to install standard addons until you've persuaded Atlassian that they can support them for all Cloud users.  They won't pick up any old addon, it has to be well-known, established and of definite clear benefit for a Cloud user.
  • If you are not planning to do the connector as a JIRA addon, then that's fine for both types of installation - the REST interface you should use is available on both (and it's stable - it doesn't change much even when JIRA is upgrades)

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