what is the best way to handle requirements in JIRA in a Global Implementation project ?

sandeep chaudhary
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January 3, 2019

I am working on a Global Implementation project. In the 1st phase of the project, we rolled out in 1 country. However, now in the 2nd phase of the project, we are going to rollout in clustors (multiple countries rollout together)

In the 1st phase of the project, when we rolled out in only one country. We had created lot of user stories which will not have an impact during the Global rollout and are going to be used as it is. We call these as GLOBAL REQUIREMENT.
For managing the regional variations, we are going to create new user stories.

The challenge which I am facing now is, I have to rollout in 6 countries (with different languages) simultaneously.

Do i need to clone the GLOBAL REQUIREMENT user stories for all the six countries ?? (My GLOBAL REQUIREMENT user stories are 100 , so 100*6 = 600 stories cloned to address different regions). The number of user stories are going to huge in this case.

I dont know, what will be the best approach to handle this as i have consider bugs raised during sprint, UAT, everthing into consideration and plan before I go on executing the plan.

Can anyone suggest the best practice and the way to handle it?

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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 4, 2019

Hello Sandeep,

Welcome to Atlassian Community.

Analyzing the scenario you described so far, I believe the best approach would be to create 1 issue per country as you mentioned since you are going to release the global requirement in several languages and their progress also will be registered in separated contexts.

However, I think that you can use sub-tasks to better organize this matter since the global requirements are the same for the  6 countries. Better explaining, I would create a general task describing the requirement in a general language (Maybe English) and then 5 sub-tasks under that task, describing the same requirement in different languages for each country.

Performing the steps above, you will be able to see the progress of the 6 countries viewing only the general story and navigating through the sub-tasks on the issue view:

Screen Shot 2019-01-04 at 16.06.51.png

Let me know if this approach makes sense to you, Sandeep.

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