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  • what can be the reason for problems creating lock file in jira-home directory after upgrade while using the same Linux user and same home directory and unchanged privileges?

what can be the reason for problems creating lock file in jira-home directory after upgrade while using the same Linux user and same home directory and unchanged privileges?

Lars Polling April 9, 2012

After a manual upgrade from Jira 4.2 to 5.0 we are experiencing a problem starting Jira:

2012-04-10 11:37:27,435 main INFO [atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger] Running JIRA startup checks.
2012-04-10 11:38:02,472 main FATAL [atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger]
Unable to create and acquire lock file for jira.home directory '/collab-data/atlassian/jira'.
2012-04-10 11:38:02,476 main FATAL [atlassian.jira.startup.JiraStartupLogger] Startup check failed. JIRA will be locked.

The lock file is not created, the home directory is the same as under Jira 4.2, the linux user hasn't changed, neither the priveleges. The log files just mention the above problem, but there is no clue about a reason.

Running on Red Hat. Verified that the jira-application.properties are correctly pointing to the home directory.

Any help appreciated. Thanks, Frank

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Lars Polling April 9, 2012

Our issue was linked to the fact that the jira-home was located on an NFS mount. We worked around it by creating soft links on the local machine pointing to the NFS.

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Rumesh Bandara
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March 17, 2013

In my case it was a permission issue as Nic stated above..

Thanks Nic..

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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April 9, 2012

I suspect it's still permissions - can you check the directory permissions on /collab-data/atlassian/jira as well as the checks on the contents of the home directory. I'm assuming it is only Jira you've updated - if you've been playing with Red Hat versions, there might be other stuff to look at, but there's probably no point chasing that if you haven't changed it.

One quick test - try su or sudo to become the Jira user and try creating the file by hand with touch or an editor - that might give you a more helpful error message.

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