restrict the assigned user to a rol depending on the issue type.

Marcela Junyent
Rising Star
Rising Star
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February 11, 2019

I need to restrict the assigned user depending on the issue type.
Is this possible? I  was told that it could be done with script runner. But I never did it. 


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Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 12, 2019

Hi Marcela,

in Jira, the permission scheme is applied on project level and not on ticket level. So, if you have a project permission for a project, you are allowed that permission within all issues in that project and there is no way from restricting view on specific ticket types or specific parts of information within a ticket.

This Also Ties in a bit with a long time Feature Request for Field Level security that was closed out as a Won't Fix for the reasons described here:

However there is Native Functionality that can isolate permissions via the workflow, and you can set up a workflow for the the issue type that you want to separate out this permission as covered in Configuring workflow schemes

Then Use the "jira.permission.assignable.projectrole=ID_of_Project_Role" on the workflow properties of the isolated workflow at each status and remove assignee field form the transitions.  The following article from jtricks gives a really god breakdown on the workflow property usage and formatting:

BUT a warning that there is a BUG on this property for the create issue transition detailed here:


Marcela Junyent
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
February 13, 2019

Gracias, buen truco. Lo intentaré

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