restore tickets when workflow was changed

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June 30, 2020

Hi I changed a workflow of a project and changed it then back to the old one. now nearly all tickets are back in the backlog and not int heir status they used to be before. Can someone please help?

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John Funk
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June 30, 2020

Hi Sophie,

I am afraid there is no way to automatically restore the tickets. You can do some of them in bulk if they are moving to the same status (Bulk change > Transition). 

You can start by writing a filter something like:

project = JIRA and status changed to backlog by john.funk after 2020-06-28

Simply change out the project name for your project and my name for your name. This should give you a good starting place to see which ones changed. Then you will need to look at the history to see what the value was changed from. 

Then you can run an updated script to get those values where the card moved to Backlog from another value:

project = JIRA and status changed to backlog by john.funk after 2020-06-28 and status changed from "In Progress"

Then go ahead and bulk change this new list to move them back to In Progress (or whatever it was)

Do that for each status until your list is cleared.

Good Luck!

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