"Sender is anonymos..." error

Zicong Xiu October 3, 2011

We are using email to open tickets in JIRA. I got this error:

"Sender is anonymous, no default reporter specified and creating users is set to false (or external user management is enabled). Message rejected."

But the user is EXISTING in JIRA with the same username, full name and email address.

Could anybody help me?


2 answers

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Jig Bhakta June 6, 2013

I have the same issue. When JIRA is looking for the Sender (to make them the reporter), what exactly is it looking for within the email?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 3, 2011

Check the exact email address on the incoming email very carefully. It shouldn't be case sensitive, but any other character out of place will cause this error.

Andy Brook [Plugin People]
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June 6, 2013

Yep, pretty sure it wil be different, another possibility is that the email address is registered to more than one user, (not a good situation for user lookup by email) if the first 'duplicate' user found does not have privileges via group membership to create issues in the target project?

Dump an email text file on the file system, use a file system mail handler source to load it, test the email address by changing it for others to help locate the root cause.

Jig Bhakta July 2, 2013

Do you happen to know the order in which JIRA processes emails in a POP mailbox?

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