portfolio for jira (teams-api) resource not returning all info

Rolando Dorbecker May 19, 2021

I am being trying to get what team members are part of which team.

First, I get the Teams by using the operation: team , not a problem here, I can get the entire list of teams.


now i want to know which team member is assigned to each team, for which i am being using the operation:  resource

https://myjirainstance/rest/teams-api/latest/resource?size=100&page=" + ResourcePage.ToString()

fact number one:

I am paginating since the API only return 100 records at the time, but the reality is that it is not returning always 100 records, for whatever reason, sometimes return less than a 100

fact number two:

I am letting this process run and see what i was able to match up and i can only from my test subject team a handful of team members and not the entire list , it is only showing a few.

I am lost at this point, i do not understand why is not returning always 100 records, this is the instruction that i am using to get the records by using c#:

result = httpClient.GetAsync("https://myinstance/rest/teams-api/latest/resource?size=100&page=" + ResourcePage.ToString()).Result;

Please, any help is very appreciated.

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