need a filter query that fetches results from two date fields

Ramya Swamy
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January 28, 2025


I need to get a filter query that produces results containing only the planned end date and GA date, and additionally also fetches the tickets that has either the planned end date or solely the GA date.


project in (ABC, DEF, HIJ) AND issuetype in (Epic, Initiative, Objective, Story) AND Team in (350, 44, 357, 191, 376, 362, 361, 344, 340, 341) AND status in (Backlog, Planned, "Needs Info", "In Progress", Testing, Execution, "Ready For Test", Grooming, Discovery, Canceled, Done, Funnel, "Ready for Release", Adoption, "Solution Design", "Public Tech Preview", "Private Tech Preview") AND "GA Date" >= 2025-03-1 AND "GA Date" <= 2025-03-31 OR "Planned End" >= 2025-03-01 AND "Planned End" < 2025-03-31

3 answers

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Francesco Arieta January 28, 2025


project in (ABC, DEF, HIJ) AND issuetype in (Epic, Initiative, Objective, Story) AND Team in (350, 44, 357, 191, 376, 362, 361, 344, 340, 341) AND status in (Backlog, Planned, "Needs Info", "In Progress", Testing, Execution, "Ready For Test", Grooming, Discovery, Canceled, Done, Funnel, "Ready for Release", Adoption, "Solution Design", "Public Tech Preview", "Private Tech Preview") AND "GA Date" is not EMPTY 

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Vishal Biyani
Rising Star
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January 28, 2025

@Ramya Swamy 

You need to enclosing brackets to set operation precedence. I have added few brackets to meet your requirement of

  • return date based on GS Date and Planned End
  • if either GS Date or Planned End is populated.

You will have to play around with below query adjusting the brackets and make it work based on your requirement.

project in (ABC, DEF, HIJ) AND issuetype in (Epic, Initiative, Objective, Story) AND Team in (350, 44, 357, 191, 376, 362, 361, 344, 340, 341) AND status in (Backlog, Planned, "Needs Info", "In Progress", Testing, Execution, "Ready For Test", Grooming, Discovery, Canceled, Done, Funnel, "Ready for Release", Adoption, "Solution Design", "Public Tech Preview", "Private Tech Preview") AND ((("GA Date" >= 2025-03-1 AND "GA Date" <= 2025-03-31) OR ("Planned End" >= 2025-03-01 AND "Planned End" < 2025-03-31)) or ("GA Date" is not Empty or Planned End is not Empty))

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Yousif Hassan
January 28, 2025

I'm not joking here but ChatGPT actually writes pretty killer JQL. Try this and then troubleshoot it with GPT

project in (ABC, DEF, HIJ) AND issuetype in (Epic, Initiative, Objective, Story) AND Team in (350, 44, 357, 191, 376, 362, 361, 344, 340, 341) AND status in (Backlog, Planned, "Needs Info", "In Progress", Testing, Execution, "Ready For Test", Grooming, Discovery, Canceled, Done, Funnel, "Ready for Release", Adoption, "Solution Design", "Public Tech Preview", "Private Tech Preview") AND (("GA Date" >= 2025-03-01 AND "GA Date" <= 2025-03-31) OR ("Planned End" >= 2025-03-01 AND "Planned End" < 2025-03-31))


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