mysql setup

john beltrez
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December 2, 2011


I am trying to get mysql to work with standalone with JIRA 4.3. I can connect to mysql on by linux box and I have a jiradb and jira use set up. Every time I edit my dbconfig.xml file with the my sql entries and restart JIRA i get a 404/tomcat not available. If I switch back to my dbconfig.xml file with the HSQL setttings i get back in. I am not sure if my file is setup right. Am i supposed to put an IP or hostname on the //mysqldbserver:3306 line?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>












<validation-query>select 1</validation-query>



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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
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December 2, 2011

Use the config script under /bin folder to setup the database. You can check the connectivity there. Ip address or hostname shouldn't matter!

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