jira stops after logout

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February 23, 2012


I have jira 4 running on ubuntu, everything works.I have script whitch starts jira on system boot.BUT I have small problem after I logout(no restart no shutdown) jira stops or crash(dont know exactly since logs are empty) soo if I wanna use it I must be logged on.In this case I have question is normal that jira dont workafter logout?If not where could be a problem ?

Thanks for replay or any help

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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February 23, 2012

I suspect you've set Jira to run in background and it's spawning off your login, not the system startup. You can use nohup to prevent this, but it would be best to make sure Jira runs as a dedicated user and is up and running before you even log in (create a new temporary user accout to check Jira is running so you don't login as yourself)

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Rising Star
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February 23, 2012

That is a very strange behaviour .Are you sure the logs are empty ?? Even if it has very little info you can attach your log file with the question .It will help in understanding what actually happens within Jira when you logout.

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