issues move out or in  from the sprint

Lior Swisa May 12, 2024

I want to know how many issues move out or in  from the sprint during the active sprint

Using a dashboard I built for them with a rich filter

Screenshot 2024-05-09 143357.png

For example, I started with 20 tasks in the sprint and someone took one task out, so it will be display on the clock "Moved out from sprint = 1"

2 answers

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Dan -minware-
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May 14, 2024

@Lior Swisa Disclaimer - marketplace partner! 

I know how challenging it can be to arrive at this metric and if you are open to working with a 3rd party it is available "out of the box" in minware. 

We have a listing in the Atlassian marketplace or you should be able to find us with a quick search. 

Please reach out if we can help!



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Walter Buggenhout
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May 12, 2024

High @Lior Swisa and welcome to the Community!

I am not sure what you have tried so far, but you will probably run into the problem that the Sprint field in Jira does not history search. In other words, you can't use JQL (which rich filters gadgets rely on) to filter for historical values in the sprint field. See also this feature request to add that capability: JRACLOUD-75868

Instead, you may add a Sprint Health Gadget to your dashboard to your dashboard, to get an indication of scope change - as well as use the sprint report associated with your board to get more details on which issues were added or removed during the sprint.

Hope this helps!

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