is it possible to have a second instance on one jira cloud contract?

francois vlerick January 12, 2018

I have one instance today (50 users), but I want to have tempo on 1 only project of my instance (5 users).


I have understood that if I xant to use temps, it will be for my whole instance (50) not only for my project..


so, maybe can I have a second instance just for tempo using projects on the same contract?


thank you for your answers.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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January 12, 2018

Yes, you can have more than one Cloud instance.  So, yes, have one instance with 50 users, and a second for 10 users with Tempo added to it (for 10 instead of 50!)

Craig McManus March 13, 2019

Sorry for waking this one back up, but do you know if it's possible to share the licences between instances?


So we have 50 licences at the moment in our sole instance.

I'd like to have a second instance that 20 or so of those users would have full control over, but they would also have access to the original instance.

I know I'm probably being too hopeful, but thought I'd ask anyway!


Thanks in advance

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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March 13, 2019

No, you have to licence each instance separately.

(There is an Atlassian "Enterprise" scheme that allows you to have loads of users spread across several instances, but I'm not sure it includes Cloud and it's hideously expensive unless you've got tens of thousands of users)

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