importing mantis data

Elisabeth Auburger October 5, 2011

I'm working with importer plugin rev. 3.5.2 and tried to import mantis bugs. The mantis categories were only partly created as components. All imported issues weren't mapped to any component. The log file says "component does not exist ...", nevertheless the component is available in the project.

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Elisabeth Auburger October 12, 2011


I'm not allowed to forward logs, as they contain customers information. But some more testing showed, that tickets, imported to state "closed" weren't mapped to components. I've imported these tickets now to state "resolved" and the mapping worked fine. Could be a bug in the importer ...

Thanks for your help.

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Wojciech Seliga
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October 6, 2011


JIRA Importers plugin by design tries to import Mantis categories as JIRA compoments. If it's not the case, then you either spotted a bug in the importer or your Mantis DB instance is corrupted/inconsistent (which often happens when you were upgrading in the past form older versions).

Could you elaborate on "The mantis categories were only partly created as components"? And also providing the exact log here would help.

I recommend you filed a support request at or raise a bug at - that would help us to solve your problem.

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