if there is a way to hide work item fields by "role" and not globally by work item

Lucy Chien_ Chialing July 26, 2024

For align product. 


if there is a way to hide work item fields by "role" and not globally by work item 


Thanks so much !!! 

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Trudy Claspill
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July 26, 2024

Hello @Lucy Chien_ Chialing 

When you say "work item" do you mean Jira issues?

Are you working with issues in a Team Managed project or a Company Managed project? You can get that information from the Type column on the View All Projects page under the Projects menu.

You can hide entire projects from view based on the allocation of Permissions for that project.

If you want to hide issues within the project, you would need to implement Issue Security. The implementation is different for Team Managed projects and Company Managed projects.


Team Managed: 

Restrict visibility based on issue types using project roles: https://support.atlassian.com/jira-software-cloud/docs/set-up-issue-types-in-team-managed-projects/#Setupissuetypesinnextgenprojects-restrictIssueTypesRestrictaccesstoanissuetypeinyourteam-managedsoftwareproject

Restrict issues individually based on project roles: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-articles/Announcement-Control-access-to-your-issues-on-next-gen-using/ba-p/1430115


Company Managed: 


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