how to find projects associated with closed stories?

Vivek Choubey
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May 30, 2019

We have a issue type called "Master Project". I need to find all master project which are associated with stories closed in last month. so basically we have Master projects that contain epics that contain stories.


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John Funk
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May 31, 2019

Hi Vivek - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

The way I usually about that is to first create filter that shows all of the stories closed in the last month:

issuetype = Story and and resolved >= startOfMonth(-1) and resolved <= endOfMonth(-1)

Then I create a dashboard (or add a gadget to an existing dashboard)  with an Issue Statistics gadget type. 

For the Statistic Type in the gadget, use Issue Type. Be sure to include all of the closed issues. 

The results will group all of the closed stories last month by Issue Type which will give you the number for the issue type Master Project. 

I hope that helps!

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