email notificaiton on an AND condition

gil November 9, 2011

In JIRA, how do I set up mail notification such that, when a Status is in a specific status and the Assignee = several assignees? It seems to me this cannot be done out of the box. If so, will I need to do a custom JIRA development? If so, where to get started? Is there a plugin for this already?


3 answers

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 9, 2011

Yes for example "fire event when", the condition would be something like: == 'Resolved' && ['user1', 'user2'].contains(issue.assigneeId)

(untested). Then you add a new event to the notification scheme, this event gets fired by this post-function or listener. Very minimal amount of code to write.

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Radu Dumitriu
Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 9, 2011

There are some scripting plugins, you do not really need to develop anything.

Pick and choose.

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 9, 2011

You are right that this cannot be done out of the box. But it might be easy to do in a JIRA listener. Check the conditions that you want in a listener and throw a new event once the conditions are satisfied.

The new event can be included in the notifications scheme as appropriate!

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