XPlanner ? (Import to Jira from XPlanner)

Martin Flower September 28, 2011

We are migrating from XPlanner to JIRA.

Any tips on how to do this ?



3 answers

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Clovis Wichoski September 21, 2012

Hi Martin,

I'm migrating too, I will extract XPlanner database in CSV format, https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Importing+Data+from+CSV

0 votes
Clovis Wichoski October 14, 2012

We imported, and all works fine using CSV.

But a doubt still, about what is the better to do with Tasks from XPlanner, like create a sub-task on JIRA, or just inform the Work Log, you have any opinion about that?

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Martin Flower October 9, 2012

We decided not to import - we have taken this as an opportunity for a new start.


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