Why is "(Assign)" appearing in Project Workflow Scheme's workflow?

James Malgieri June 12, 2020

If you go the Administration GEAR > projects > PROJ01> Workflows PROJ01: Task management Workflow Scheme

You will see (Assign) under Task and Sub-task

If I click on (Assign) under Task I have the option to assign the Sub-Task issue type to the PROJ01: Task management Workflow v02

If I click on (Assign) under Sub-task I have the option to assign the Task issue type to the PROJ01: Basic Sub-task Workflow v02


If you go to the Administration GEAR > Issues > Workflows > PROJ01: Task management Workflow Scheme

You will NOT see (Assign) under Task or Sub-task.

Does anyone know why (Assign) is showing up like this? This is the 1st and only time this has occurred.

Thank You,


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