Why is it so hard to see the description in the summary preview of an issue when in the backlog?

Catie Magee
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December 18, 2017

With the new updates to JIRA, it's now very hard to see the descriptions of my stories when I'm viewing the right-hand preview summary of a ticket in the backlog view of my board. The description field is placed at the very bottom of the many, many metadata fields for a given issue, and there isn't even a field label of "Description" for the section. This is arguably one of the most important element of an issue. Why has it been moved to the very bottom of the preview summary, and why doesn't it have a field label. 

I was hoping to make a suggestion to change this, but all the links to make a suggestion now route me to the main JIRA product board where I can see public issue but have NO WAY of adding a suggestion: https://jira.atlassian.com/secure/BrowseProjects.jspa?selectedCategory=10031&selectedProjectType=all&_ga=2.79081492.165495799.1513629340-1889111476.1513629340

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 3, 2018

Hi Catherine,

Sorry to hear about this problem.  However I believe that the new Jira experience is using a different board display here that might not be honoring the order of the fields and their order as you might have seen them appear in the previous version.

I am curious to see if perhaps you can turn off this new Jira experience in your profile to see if the old way works better for you.  If you can do this, then you should be able to click on your user avatar in the bottom left corner of the page and select the option of "Turn off for now".

However it is possible that your Jira Cloud instance might currently be opted into a program that disables this option.  In which case, you would need your Jira Cloud admin to create a support request with our Cloud support team and request to remove your site from this program so that you can revert this interface.


As for the inability to create a suggestion case:

In order to create a suggestion on the https://jira.atlassian.com you will need to sign into that site.   In this case, I believe you will want to create this suggest in the JSWCLOUD project as this is the project that handles Jira Software features in Cloud.

You can also do this by going to https://jira.atlassian.com/projects/JSWCLOUD/issues/

Provided you are logged into this site, you can create a new suggestion there using the create button.

In addition to this, you should also be able to click on your user icon in Cloud and select the "Give Feedback" option.  This is another way to provide feedback on these new Jira Cloud features.



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