Why are there so many UI changes happening continuously?

Lillian Cash
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November 14, 2018

There are many days when I log into JIRA and there are navigational changes that are not enhancements in my opinion. In addition, there is no information on how to maintain some of the functionality of what you had before or how to do it in the new UI.

Specifically, as one example, this morning, I logged in and now I can no longer collapse the menu of items into the left side bar for easy access. Instead, the only think you can do is minimize the menu and open it back up again any time you want to navigate to other screens or reports. So now, for every navigation to a different page, there is an additional click that has to be done. 

As a constant user of JIRA (in JIRA for the majority of the day), these continuous UI updates that keep happening are an impact to our business and are not helpful. 

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Joel Mansford
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February 5, 2019

I'm getting utterly fed up with this.  My view is that changes are being made for change sake, they're not helpful.

Fields randomly disappear.

If it was like this when we had made a purchasing decision we would not have bought it.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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February 5, 2019

I'm afraid my last answer still stands. 

It was the case when you bought, although it may be that the areas that were under flux have moved (there's a lot more changing on field layouts recently than before)

But you should complain - the more feedback the better.

Joel Mansford February 5, 2019

Yeah, I'm going to log via support also.

My point was that if when we had bought the UI behaved as it does now we wouldn't have bought it.  

The constant changes just mean it's impossible to even get used to it.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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February 5, 2019

It's a pain for us too, not knowing when we have to alter training every week.  And people seem to like putting training videos on Youtube, which are then rendered pointless within a few weeks.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 14, 2018

Atlassian Cloud is subject to frequent releases and updates.  I'm afraid Atlassian decided on such rapid updates very early on, and have no plans to stop.

Please, do raise this with their support people, as they do need feedback, and the more people tell them something is not working, the better.

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