Where is Green Hopper Parent version Stored

David Mitchell
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November 5, 2011

I would like to query the database directly for adding Versions and associating a parent version to them.

I found the version table but it does not contain the Greenhopper Parent Hierachy information.

Can anyone point me to where this parent hierachy is stored.



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Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 6, 2011

The version information is stored as part of the GreenHopper configuration in table ospropertytext. It is stored in attribute propertyvalue which is build in XML syntax for readbility and easy deserialization. Search for the string VERSION_MATCHUP and the map that follow contains the pairs of child and parent ids. Each id is the id of a version in table projectversion. So in this case the version with id 15414 is a child of version with id 15412


the table ospropertytext has the same ids as table ospropertyentry. ospropertyentry attribute entity_id is the id of the project.

So it's pretty easy to get the configurations of a project using this query

select propertyvalue from propertyentry,project,propertytext where entity_name like '%GreenHopper%' and entity_id = project.id and propertyentry.id = propertytext.id and project.id=<project id>;

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 6, 2011

also check this

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