When is the Jira Mobile Connect for Android will be released?

Alex Verdyan
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November 15, 2011


When is the Jira Mobile Connect for Android will be released?



13 answers

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Josh Devenny
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 17, 2011

Hi Alex, Gregory,

We are currently working on an Android version of JMC and expect it to be ready for beta in the next month. The source is on Bitbucket:


It is currently a pre-release version and still needs further development. If you are eager to help, please feel free to fork the code and create a pull request for any changes that you make.

Gregory, you mentioned that we may ask you to beta - if you are willing to help us out by testing the Android version when it is ready, that would be great.



1 vote
Jon Aritz Real April 16, 2015



how are you?


Will it ever be released ?



1 vote
Shubh Agarwal
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July 29, 2012

Any update on Android SDK for Jira Mobile Connect. We need official support for android applications. i only see the last post from Jan 11.. 6 months any update?

We are about to launch an applicaiton in Web, iOS and Android.. Missing 1 key element.


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Conrado López
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Josh Devenny
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 11, 2012

Hi Guys,

We need your help! Details are here:




Bhupesh Nagda March 25, 2014


Does the Latest JMC version 1.2.0 support Android SDK? Could not find related documentation

Hope someone could redirect.



0 votes
Gregory Sudderth
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Hiya! Yeah, we've been delayed by a change in requirements in the back-end data that feeds to the front-end device. Right now the back-end is not functional, but, within a week I think we're gonna want to test.

I'll get code in there next week and write up my experiences in the integration, and then proceed from there. Thanks!


0 votes
Josh Devenny
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 4, 2012

Hi Gregory,

Just checking in with you on how your beta testing is going for JMC Android? I'd love to hear any feedback/problems/suggestions that you have!

We're still working on the crash reporting feature - I'll let you know if there are any updates



Josh Devenny
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 5, 2012

Hi there,

There is already an early beta version of JMC Android out. You can find it on Bitbucket. https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/jiraconnect-android/overview

Are you after a 1.0 version before you integrate it with your app?



Louie Penaflor January 5, 2012

Could you update this thread on when JMC Android is ready? We use it for iOS and we're releasing an Android version and this would be great.

0 votes
Josh Devenny
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 11, 2011

Sounds great! :) I will keep you posted when we have integrated crash reporting for the Android client. A few points:

My email is jdevenny@atlassian.com if you have any feedback/bugs. Thanks again for testing it!



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Gregory Sudderth
Rising Star
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December 8, 2011

I am all over it. I'm integrating Flurry/Admob in this first version, and will LOVE to put in JMC. I will turn off Flurry's crash reporting when you guys are ready. Tonite I'm setting up the OnDemand JIRA and will config it to have JMC talk to it etc. etc.

Do you have a sample "hello world" IOS app (with a "crash now" button? LOL) we can use to test JMC integration with JIRA?

There's no issue with OnDemand JIRA and JMC is there, that would be :(

We're looking at our pool of potential alpha/beta users, and the ones we have probably won't be able/willing to load an APK the hard way, so, we're thinking of just soft-releasing and watching it intently. JMC would be a big help in this strategy.


0 votes
Josh Devenny
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 8, 2011

Hi Gregory, Alex,

We have an alpha version of JMC Android up on Bitbucket - it only does feedback at the moment (no crash reporting). If you'd like to test it, it would be awesome - send through as much feedback as you want (the more the better). The install instructions are a little sparse, but we're working on them. You can find the source here:



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Gregory Sudderth
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November 17, 2011

The benefits of the few outweigh the bugs of the many.

Hells yes I'll beta it, and here's why: like I said, QA on Android is a nightmare. I plan to use Flurry to get demographic info from the phones running this app as we soft-launch it. Small projects have even less resources than big ones, and this would be a great help.

Re: work: I am so "covered up" (SE Oklahoman expression for 'totally busy') [with work] relating to JIRA/Confluence its madness at work, and I'm working on this app at home :) BUT, I am a helluva debugger, having debugged through Google's disgusting spaghetti pile called "Google Spreadsheet/Docs/File" API for iOS, that included 900 classes, I think I can at least report good bug reports from JMC.

Do you think you want to beta it with full functionality, or, with some stuff turned off? (Progressive testing) Let us know!

Next app is the official licensed port of the 90's classic "SkiFree" for iOS and I'll need JMC for sure!

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Gregory Sudderth
Rising Star
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November 15, 2011

Additional thoughts:

  • They'll never tell us when its coming out, but..maybe...
  • ...they'll ask us to beta?
  • QA is a royal pain on Android, so this is WAY important compared to iOS
0 votes
Gregory Sudderth
Rising Star
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November 15, 2011

I would love to include this in my getting-ready-to-ship app! After this app I'll be going to a mix of iPhone/Android, and have made JMC a part of my strategy for support!

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