When does an issue get Burned down in a Sprint Burndown Chart

Deepam Jaiswal October 12, 2017

Is it the Resolution field that is responsible for the issue being Burned Down


Is it the status being in one of the "Done" category of status


We have 5 status

To do --> In Dev --> Dev/PM Testing --> Staging -->On Production

I want the burn down to happen after Dev/PM Testing

I do not want  "Staging" to be one of the "Done" statuses

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 12, 2017

Neither, it uses the "done" column on the far right hand side of the board.

Deepam Jaiswal October 12, 2017

But what if I want to see a burndown in one of the middle states, how do I do that?

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