What is the best way to archive the closed tickets in JIRA?

shrikant.anantwar May 13, 2019

We are using JIRA Software (On-premise) and recently we started noticing performance issues as the number the bugs keep increasing everyday. We have a lot of closed tickets which can be archived, these bugs cannot be deleted as we need to keep track of the bugs and it should be accessible when required.

Can you please advise the best possible way to archive the older closed tickets from different projects?

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Antonio Ferruz
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May 14, 2019

Hello @shrikant.anantwar , 


Archive issues is still not possible. 

I have read that it is coming in following versions according to Atlassian announcements :

Issue archiving (Jira Data Center)

You can now keep your Jira instance neat and tidy by archiving issues that have not been updated for months. This is the first milestone of issue archiving, and we’re working hard to bring you more in the next releases, so stay tuned!


At this point, you can use API to archive and restore individual issues, export the list of archived issues, or use the basic UI toolset to archive up to a thousand issues at once and restore them individually whenever they’re needed again. 


Source: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirasoftware/jira-software-8-1-x-release-notes-966669112.html#JiraSoftware8.1.xreleasenotes-archive

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