What is the appropriate gadget to add in Jira Dashboard to show aging tickets?

shazna_azher May 24, 2022

Is it possible to add a gadget to show tickets in these age buckets?

  1. 0-5 days

  2. 5-10 days

  3. 10-15 days

  4. 15-30 Days

  5. 30 – 60 days

  6. 60 – 90 days

  7. 90 days plus

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Carlos Garcia Navarro
Community Leader
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May 24, 2022

Hi @shazna_azher ,

You could create filters to select issues within these ranges:

Screen Shot 2022-05-24 at 11.49.53 PM.png

, and then add the filter results gadget in the dashboard:

Screen Shot 2022-05-24 at 11.48.14 PM.png

shazna_azher May 26, 2022

Hi @Carlos Garcia Navarro ,


Thanks for your reply. When adding these filters, I am keen to know whether there is a single gadget that can be added to a dashboard to display the counts of all tickets in one dashboard via one gadget?

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