What is libtheora used for?

Vaughn Hawk
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January 13, 2025

See CVE-2024-56431 for details, it's a security exploit on Ubuntu 22.04 and 20.04 OS's

I cannot find anything that tells me what JIRA uses it for, there is no current remediation so the recommendation is to remove the library, but I don't want to nuke JIRA by doing that.

Is it safe to remove? What's it used for? It looks to be a video codec of some sort; we don't use JIRA to do video conferencing, but will it effect anything else?

Thanks for your assistance.

Vaughn Hawk

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Robert Wen_Cprime_
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January 13, 2025

Hello @Vaughn Hawk ! Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

From looking at the discussion, it looks like Theora is a video code project that had its last official release in 2011.  I wouldn't expect it to be used in Jira.

It should be safe to remove.

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