What is Voting?

Katelyn Withers April 6, 2020

I've searching the online tutorials and community threads about voting, but I cannot find full information about voting and when's the best time to use this option. Can someone advise what this is used for and how they use it? 

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Hernan Halabi - Elite IT Consulting Group
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April 6, 2020

Hello @Katelyn Withers voting would be used when you want some feedback from the users about what to do next. The most useful scenario is for the users to vote for the next feature they want to have. That would give you the idea of which things will be more welcome by the users.

Katelyn Withers April 8, 2020

Thanks Hernan! This really helps. Not sure if it's something we want to use for our team but now we know what it does :)

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