What field/attribute of an issue defines it to be in the Program Backlog?

Johnathan Vo
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May 5, 2020

What field/attribute of an issue defines it to be in the Program Backlog? Ex: I want to find all issues for my next PI Planning event that are still in my backlog. Where can I find this without doing a query? How do I identify an issue is still in the Program backlog vs a Team backlog?


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John Funk
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May 5, 2020

Hi Jonathan - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Cards in the Backlog have a Status of Backlog. So to see those issues in a filter it would look like:

Project = ABC and Status = "Backlog"

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Jack Brickey
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May 5, 2020

Hi Johnathan, welcome to the Community. I'm not sure what "Program" backlog is exactly. If you are referring to the Backlog illustrated on a project it is defined by a status, e.g. To Do. That said, i'm wondering if you are using an addon or something that specifically illustrates Program Backlog and Team Backlog? Can you share images of what you are looking at?

Johnathan Vo
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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May 7, 2020

This answered my question. Thank you for the quick response.

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