What are the most common practice setting a permission scheme?

James Fama July 5, 2024

Good afternoon Atlassian Community,

I am sure people had ask this question before but I want to gather some opinion from the community. 

We want to give access  GROUP A to 40 projects and we want to create a common permission scheme.

But the 40 Projects - 5 of them have different permission scheme. How do you solve it? 

Create 35 project have common permission scheme and the other 5 project will have unique permission scheme individually then add the Group A to these 5 projects.

Please let me know if you have any solution with my query.

Than you,


2 answers

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John Funk
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July 6, 2024

Hi James,

Personally, I think the best route is to have as few schemes as possible, relying on Project Roles as much as possible. Then the Project Admin can add the group(s) to whatever role works best based on the Permission Scheme. And can add individuals in the short term until a Jira Admin can update the group when someone new comes in and needs to be added. 

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Joe Pitt
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July 5, 2024

I only have two permission schemes. One for projects no long in use, which no one has access to except Jira admins, and one for all other. I use project roles for user needing different access for instance;

Staff: they have all permissions. This for people actively working the project

Project Admin: those with project admin rights

browse: users that need to view, but not edit, make comments, etc.

QA: users in a QA role that can execute a transition to approve something or close an issue

You may want other roles. Since project roles are universal a project may not use all the available roles. 

Project admins are responsible for managing the membership in the role which can be individual users or groups. 

Also, no one has permission to delete anything. We treat Jira as a system of record.

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